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Apple Vs. Samsung

According to a 2015 Pew Research survey, two-thirds of Americans own a smartphone and nineteen percent rely on these devices to connect to the internet. Smartphones allow individuals to play games, access social media, stay in touch with family and friends, complete purchases, use as a GPS, and much more. Apple and Samsung are two companies fighting to dominate the smartphone market. People have a hard time choosing the right device and brand for them.

Apple and Samsung are very similar, yet, their sizes are different. For example, the iPhone 6S is 7.1 mm thick and weighs 143 grams, while the Samsung Galaxy S7 is 7.9 mm thick and weighs 152 grams. This means that the Galaxy S7 is thicker and heavier than the iPhone 6S. The two smartphone companies will always be rivals, but they will always continue to make amazing products!

Safety is a concern for some people when trying to decide what type of phone to get. According to CNN, Samsung recalled two and a half million Galaxy Note 7s because there was a fear that they might explode after other batteries in the Galaxy Note 7s caught on fire. Additionally, when I was recently on an airplane, flying to the West Coast, the pilot made an announcement saying that Galaxy Note 7 phones were not allowed on board for fear of it exploding on the plane. Now, airlines are afraid that people would use these exploding phones for terrorist attacks and will put everyone else on the plane in danger.

Another thing people look for in phones is the quality of the camera. Here, Samsung has the advantage. Business Insider reported that the camera of the Galaxy S7 has a better camera than the iPhone 6s because even in low light and shooting motion, Samsung beat Apple in this race. However, Victor Setaro, 8th grader, says, “I personally prefer Apple because it has a really good camera, and I could use it with other devices I have.” So, some people choose their phone by what their comfortable and familiar with.

Technology is evolving every day, and no one knows what kind of technology is going to be invented in the future. It is okay to assume that it will be epic, but we don’t know if Apple, Samsung, or some other company will be responsible for this.

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